We'd like your final blog entry to tell us what you learned along the way and what you'll do with your new knowledge.
This has been certainly the most unique way of learning something new that I have ever participated in. Yes there were struggles along the way and no I will not give up on all learnings. I especially loved the ease at which I could assist my students with finding new books while using Novel List K-8 Plus. My librarian is purchasing as fast as she can for them I have supplemented my classroom library with 'book alikes' and 'author alikes' that my students love. I've gotten my students to read more than 1000 pages a week on average since learning this resource. I will continue to utilize this aspect of MARVEL and integrate into my teaching so more and more of my students will find books they love. I also want to use Learning Express to help my 8th graders do some career search to help them begin to think of the future into which they will soon be thrust. They need someone to talk to them about their likes and dislikes and what aspirations they might have. This too often gets overlooked within the home and I want my students to know I want them to succeed with whatever they want. This will give them options. WIsh me (and them) luck! I've enjoyed the challenge, but have found myself a bit lacking when it comes to some of the lessons, but I tried and will find much use for MARVEL when the opportunity arises.
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